Rainbow Magic

It’s Saturday again after a busy week of working and entertaining.  We had our first house guests in a long time.  Held in the relative safety of vaccines and lateral flow, my lovely sister, husband and labradoodle (with no doodle) gave us the gift of human connection for a couple of days.

Determined to show off our beautiful coastline in spite of a very rainy forecast, we dressed sensibly with full waterproof gear and ambled towards Amble.

Then, wow…a rainbow appeared.   A single then a double.  The sky kept changing.  A partial one with such intense colours.  A light show that went on over many minutes morphing across the November sky.   We oooh and aaahed in shared human experience.   The feeling was pure magic.

My heart danced and my cells sang, resonating inside my waterproof skins.  I had come alive, my vision wide and breathe easy.  Such effortlessness in being absolutely present. So easy to taste each moment.  Savouring the connection to nature and my companions.

True to the laws of impermanence, the kaleidoscope gave way to squalls and an elemental fierceness.  Shielded by my red artificial skin, I felt warm within.  Full of the joy of sharing natures magic with others.

I still remember so vividly the time I saw a horizontal rainbow crossing a valley in the Scottish Highlands.  We stood and let ourselves be full of wonder.   It remains so clear in my mind, the image etched in my visual memory and the feeling making strong grooves in my nervous system.  The rainbow impermanent, but feeling still so available.  Just a thought away.

Can we be open to the simple things that wake us up to beauty and magic?

Let’s savour the feelings and allow them to nourish and sustain us through the inevitable batterings of life.

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