A day of Yoga with live music & Mandala making

At the Heart Centre, Kirkcaldy

Saturday 1 October 2016 10 – 5 pm

Slipping past the equinox, Earth’s energy drawing in and down.  Nature delights us with one last blast of colour.   Inviting you to celebrate the richness of the season and our inner treasures, moving and flowing.   Feeling the air catching our leaves, carrying them to the earth.  Natures compost for next years growth.
We’ll spend the morning using Scaraveilli-inspired Yoga to connect with our bodies, supported and accompanied by live music. After lunch we’ll continue to explore the theme, building on the morning’s inspirations to create individual Mandalas.

No artistic experience or talent necessary. This is about playing and expressing ourselves without judgement.
The workshop will close with a reflective meditation.


Cost of £40.00. Concessions available.


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