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Yoga is for Life

a body wise approach to flourishing

I'm coming home to my body, after years of abandoning it.  Home to living with a felt sense of my interior landscape, constantly amazed at the wisdom and richness of this inner world.  Showing up more in my life and my community by being more courageous and authentic”.

Neuroscience is showing us that being in the body takes us out of the stress response and into a place of relaxed readiness.  It's also showing us the value of kindness, to our selves and others.  These two elements change what's happening in our nervous system.  They are at the heart of easing our stress and healing chronic illness.

Whatever your challenges in life, I offer a path the includes the body, energy, mind, heart and soul.  Both intuitive and evidence informed path.  Drawing on ancient and modern wisdom and following ways of working that are psychologically in tune with the western mind.

An eternal student, now studying Yoga Psychotherapy, I weave therapeutic Yoga, Mindfulness, Compassion and Shamanic Practice, Science & Psychology to support you on your journey to resilience and flourishing.

My life path has been influenced by having anxiety and chronic fatigue for several years as a young adult and then working in the high pressure environment of the City of London.  These experiences set my compass for life.  My quest to heal the underlying causes led me to this well-being work.  Over the last 22 years I have been teaching and developing my skills in mind-body based practices and how to work in a trauma-sensitive way.

I use Yoga Therapy to support people in gradually accessing their own body and movement when it feels unsafe and painful.  Working with trauma and in its manifestations of chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and chronic illness.  I enjoy offering 121 sessions fine tuned to the individual's needs.  I also love holding safe spaces for therapeutic groups where we can share, experience and tap into the added power of social connection.

Mind Body De-stress

Sally takes us through a 10 minute mind body de-stress practice to help with bringing our stress levels down.   An embodied mindfulness based practice which invites us to engage our self awareness to bring down the stress charge in the nervous system.


Workplace Resilience

Stress is one of the biggest challenges for the workplace and for modern living.  Stress increases sickness rates and decreases our concentration, creativity, communication and relational abilities.


Therapeutic Yoga

We are designed to move.  Not only is it good for us physically but psychologically and socially too.   Research is showing us when we move with others, especially in a synchronos way, the body releases feel good chemicals that help us bond with others.  



Mindfulness is a life skill which can enhance our sense of well-being. It is about bringing 'kind awareness' to what is happening in the present moment, without judging it or trying to change our experience.

Ready to find out more?

Yoga for Life?

Recently I realised just how glad I am that I chose the name Yoga is for Life back in 2006.  Now more than ever, it sums up how I feel about it. Yoga is a set of mind-body-heart skills that are grown and nurtured with practice.  Hence it is called Yoga practice, something to repeat…

Tending the Garden

  Two weeks ago, I came up for air after a period of intensive study.   Breathing more fully, I could open to space.  I felt called to the bluebell woods, to dip in the sea, to tend to our  garden. My energy was high with excitement, for a couple of days.  Before the crash. Not a…

Savouring Connections

  I realise it’s almost the middle of the month and I’ve only just got round to writing. As some of you know, I’ve had a period of intense studying and then a big exam and assessments.  This week I’ve been decompressing. What I’ve ‘re-learned’ and really valued from the whole process, is that the…

January Jigsaw

  From today the sun sets a little later each day.  The snowdrops are appearing, responding to the growing light.  I feel their promise to nourish me through the rest of the winter. I’m not big on new years resolutions but I see this time from Solstice to the new calendar year as a time to…

Winter Reflections

December has arrived again with almost as much uncertainty as the last one. This constant uncertainty is a lot of work for our nervous system which is primed to keep looking out for danger to keep us safe.  The ‘tiger’ shows up in many disguises in our life and the feeling of threat can be…

Rainbow Magic

It’s Saturday again after a busy week of working and entertaining.  We had our first house guests in a long time.  Held in the relative safety of vaccines and lateral flow, my lovely sister, husband and labradoodle (with no doodle) gave us the gift of human connection for a couple of days. Determined to show…